Welcome to our “Tricks of the Trade” Blog Hop! 16 SLP bloggers are taking part and each of us will share a top tip from our Speech Room. Of course my tip (you can read it below), is to help you with your decor. Others have tips for therapy, data collection and more.
Hop through all the blogs to read helpful hints and tips but also to collect a letter. Collect all 16 letters to make a phrase, enter the phrase in the form on the last blog and you will be in with a chance to win a great prize!
Here is my tip to get you started…
If you are decorating on a budget, then it’s best to think about how you can work with what you already have in your Speech Room. Shabby cabinets can be repainted en vogue to match your color scheme, old chairs can be reupholstered to give them a new life or old chalkboards can be re-coated with chalkboard paint to give them another year of life! My favorite remodel is the boring old filing cabinet! Look at these great examples of how even one of the ugliest items in your classroom can become a beauty with some creativity-
Joey and Kathryn at moxandfodder.com have upstyled their cabinet with chalkboard paint and labelled the compartments with chalk – also makes it easy to change labels if you need to! And all for a price of $1.99 they say! Leslie at www.jackofalltrades-leslie.blogspot.ie gave her cabinet some style by simply using acrylic paint, tacky glue, card and clear sealer – amazing what you can do if you put your mind to it! And remember that filing cabinets are also magnetic – so if you have two of them and put back to back, the sides can be used as a large magnetic board!
If you want to enter the contest, here is my letter…
The next blog on the hop is here…
and if you need to go back and start at the beginning then you can do that here…
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