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There’s nothing quite like….Home Sweet Speech Room!

We just love seeing other speech rooms!  There are things to be learned and ideas sparked with every visit!  That’s why we have been really looking forward to this tour of ‘Home Sweet Speech Room’ from Carissa – and I know that there will be lots of inspiration and great ideas to be found here!  Over to you Carissa…

…I’ve been posting sneak peek pictures for a couple of weeks now.  I thought I would finally reveal my speech room to all of you today!  Hope you love it!

When students first come to my room, this is what they see.  It’s on the door so that students and teachers can read about the skills we work on in our room.


One of my favorite areas in my room (and one of the most noticeable) is this area:  my book nook!  I have students use this as a station.  Sometimes, we also do therapy down there because the table just gets old after awhile!  (P.S. That pillow is from IKEA).


One of the other most prominent features of the room is this cabinet.  Behind these doors sit all of my materials.  One the doors are my behavior clip chart, our rules, and a motivational saying.

On the other side of the room, I have this coat rack that I have re-purposed as game shelves.  I love that these can stay out of the way and reach of my students!

Right next to my kidney table, I have this drawer unit.  It was pre-organized for me, but I love it!!  One top, I have group data tracking sheets and a cute owl kitchen timer!

One of my favorite ideas from my clinical placement was working folders for each kid.  These sit on a filing cabinet next to my desk for easy access.

On the other side of the kidney table and by the door, I have these Common Core Cans from Nicole Allison.  I plan to use them as exit slips!

Next up are my bulletin boards!  I love the way these turned out.  For the first one, I took the I Can statements from Natalie Snyders.  These are a great way to incorporate in the Common Core!

The other big bulletin board is this one below.  I 100% borrowed this idea from Nicole at Allison’s Speech Peeps!  These are articulation words that we can use throughout the year.  I saw this idea last year and loved it.  Thanks for sharing your creativity, Nicole!

Here’s the best whole room photo I can get, just to give you a little better perspective!

Hope you enjoyed!  Thanks so much to Speech Room Style for having me guest post today!

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