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Superhero Speech Room

When we create, we do it with the hope that others will enjoy it.  Whether it’s baking a cake, crafting a birthday card or painting a picture, we always hope that it will be useful to and appreciated by those we are making it for.  It’s just the same for us TpT sellers: when we design a new product, it gives us great joy when we see people using it in their speech and class rooms.  Today, we are delighted to share with you some photos of a great superhero speech room which has used our Superhero Décor Pack  – this speech room has been expertly created by Busy Miss B.

superhero speech room

She has used our door sign, SPEECH banner and superhero characters along with her own artistic creativity to create this great door art – what a way to welcome all those little ‘superheroes’ to the speech room!

Her bulletin board features our SPEECH banner too:superhero speech room 1The paper lanterns hanging from the ceiling tie in wonderfully with the superhero colors.  The gray/black/cream color scheme for her room works really well too!

In her organization, Busy Miss B has used the labels from our Superhero Décor Pack:superhero speech room 2They look great with the yellow ribbon and black and white folders and crates!

It really is a treat to see how another SLP has made such wonderful use of our pack in her speech room.  Thanks Busy Miss B for making my day! And if you would like to see the full tour of her fabulous speech room, giving details of how she put it all together, click here.  To see our Superhero Décor Pack in more detail, click here.



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