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Speech Room Style – What’s in Your Cart? Linky

It is almost time for another AMAZING sale on That means that this is your last chance before the summer to stock up on all your supplies and materials to finish out the year with a bang (or get a head start on being super organized for next year!)

Today I’m linking up with Jenna over at Speech Room News. Her “What’s in your cart?” linky gives sellers a chance to show off our favorite items from our own and other TPT stores and guide you towards the best value in your shopping dilemmas!

cart linky

Since my guilty pleasure is investing in new (and super cute!) clip art, then my TPT sale cart is typically bursting with clip art, fonts and borders. I’m quite fussy about the way I turn out my products and they don’t get released until they are just the way I like them. That means I need a whole lot of graphics options.

Spring time is one of my favorite times of year because the color options are just delicious. Check out my best selling Spring Themed Packet to see what I mean…

Spring Speech Therapy Activities


Here is another “good enough to eat” packet from Speech Paths TPT store. It is sitting on my wishlist right now and I just love her cute cover!


For those of you who are feeling super organized and ready to jump ahead and plan for next school year. Get ready to spend the summer relaxing because Nicole Allison over at Speech Peeps has done all the work for you and prepared a fabulous packet to start off your new year!


Of course I think one of the most fun things to do to get ready for the next school year is to plan out your room decor. That way you can watch out for summer bargains to go with your new theme and when August comes you are all set to create a welcoming and WOW Speech Room.

Check out our two new themes for 2014 and pick up a copy in the sale now so you don’t miss out on the bargain price.

Due to popular demand, we finally created a Superheros themed classroom decor set. The kids will just love this colorful collection and we will be sharing some “super” decorating ideas on the blog to make the most of your printables as you prep over the summer.

Superhero Behaviour Chart Collage

Our other new packet for 2014 uses the ever popular owl theme for classroom decor. I might be biased but I think these owls are just about the cutest I have ever seen and the red and blue color scheme gives an attractive display without being too “cutesy”.

Owl Bulletin Board

The sale starts Tuesday May 6th so you have plenty of time to do a little browsing and make some additions to your cart. When you do finally check out though, remember to use the promo code below to get the maximum sale discount available.

Happy Shopping!

TPT promo code




  1. I’m so glad you linked up!


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