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A Speech Room Worth Waiting For

Many of us SLPs have spent our fair share of time carrying out our therapy sessions in hallways, canteens, gyms and even boiler rooms!  Check out our previous post discussing some of these unusual speech room locations here.Today we share with Cecilia in her joy of finally getting her own room in which to do what she does best – being a great SLP!

Cecilia says: “I love my new room with a window view!  Now if I can just figure out how that fancy white board works!”

speech room worth waiting for

Cecilia certainly has lots of space now!  I just love the way the light fills the room.  The high ceiling in this room gives a challenge – high ceilings often make a space feel cold and clinical.  By hanging the dangling lanterns (which remind me of happy hot air balloons!) from the ceiling, she has given the room a much more relaxed, homely feel.  And  I’m sure after a few days she will be a whizz on that whiteboard!

She admires the beauty of her new school – stained concrete floors, little nooks all around the building decorated with school antiques – and it even has a lovely reading tower like something out of a fairy tale!  For students, I’m sure they feel like the fairy tale continues when they enter Cecilia’s speech room – its a wonderful land where learning is fun!

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With plenty of room for storage of resources and space for different areas within the room, students can sit at the desks for more formal therapy or on the mat on the floor for less formal time – and I have noticed a nice red comfy chair to relax in too!

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Don’t you love the coloured organza hanging down the side of the windows!  These ‘drapes’ soften the effect of the large windows which are really huge and possibly imposing – and the blinds being partially drawn also helps to reduce the effect of the size of the windows while still allowing plenty of light.

The classroom was already painted when Cecilia moved in – congratulations to the school for choosing such great colors! The combination of lights and darks allows for display on the light walls while making the darker walls easier to maintain with little hands around!

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The white bookshelf was made by Celilia’s dad for her parking garages smile emoticon – this is a real treasure – her Dad is very talented!  The colorful road on the wall is from her nephew’s playroom – it’s a zip track from Discovery Toys! She fixed it to the wall with thumbtacks and hot-glued the cars on – I’m sure her students are intrigued by it!

Cecilia has worked in her fair share of closets, hallways, shared spaces, and even staircases before and is absolutely thrilled to finally have a great room like this to work in.  It really is a speech room worth waiting for! We are so happy that she has decided to share her new space with us – it’s just fabulous – clearly all that time she spent in less than desirable locations increased her determination to make her own room just perfect – and we love it!!  Hope you enjoyed it too!


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